Divine Power

Do you harness your divine power? We all have access to source energy, but most of us are disconnected. We create blockages and resistance. The reality is that we are each a unique expression of source energy. Our bodies are portals for divine life force to flow. Are you consciously embodying, harnessing and projecting your divine power?
We each have masculine and feminine energy—it's just a matter of whether or not yours is balanced. Are your chakras balanced? How is your mind and heart coherence? We are all energetic beings living in an intelligent gird of energy, playing a game of energy. The question is, are you playing to your full potential? Are you owning your inner power?
When we align with source energy, we become an unstoppable force field of love and light. We are able to access higher dimensions of consciousness, truth, expansion and awareness. When you accept that you are multidimensional, limitless, powerful and worthy—the game of life changes. You begin to rise into your infinite power and unlock your innate gifts and abilities. We are all waking up to the truth. It's just a matter of how fast you want to remember who you truly are by design. You can accelerate your personal evolution as you raise your frequency. Divine power is divine love and intelligence. Divine power is how we heal our world. Divine power is you!
With love, Kate