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"Good Guy Great Game" is an e-book that will teach you about non-verbal communication, the art of seduction, cognitive rewiring and how to build attraction. Are you ready to get your dream girl and explore your superhuman potential?
"Spiritual Foreplay" is an e-book that will help you to heal with sacred practices, the art of play, sensual manifesting, creative date ideas, spirituality and life force energy. Are you ready to heal?

Gorgeous Gratitude
Do you have a daily gratitude practice? Are you aware of how powerful the frequency of gratitude is with the Law of Attraction? When we...

Manifest Miracles
Whenever we want to attract something into our lives we have to expect it to show up and move our point of awareness to what we desire....

Fiery Passion
Do you have fiery passion in life? What lights you up the most? Passion is a force that is unstoppable because it's a frequency that is...

Love YOU!
Do you love yourself unconditionally? Do you look in the mirror and tell yourself that you're proud of yourself? Do you believe that you...

Energy Transference
Everything is energy! We are made of energy, we generate energy, we project energy and we create with energy. It's all a matter of...

Qi Gong Rocks!
Qi Gong is a moving meditation that changed my life and now I have clients all around the world that are experiencing rapid healings!...

Free Yourself
Do you often compare yourself to other women? Do you wish that you had certain traits like they do? Do you think less of yourself when...

Light Your Mind
What if you have more control over the energy you are projecting than you are aware of? What could your life look like if you only...

Shamanism Resonates
One our favorite interviews was with Shaman Durek, a 5th generation Shaman. He talked about how the separation of masculine and feminine...

Are You Present?
It's so easy for life to pass us by and it's so easy to exist on auto-pilot. Do you find yourself going through the motions and feeling...

Manifest Inner Peace
We all want to feel calm and harmonized in our minds and bodies. However, so many of us are feeling stressed out, anxious, confused,...

Talking Gratitude
Many of us are aware that gratitude is a powerful state to be in to align with receiving something from the Universe—however, how many of...

Cosmic Mind
Have you ever read “The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power,” by Joseph Murphy? If you haven’t, I highly recommend it because it completely...

Divine Masculine
There is a rebalancing of energy happening in our world and we are waking up to the illusions that have been forced upon us for so long....

Bold Dreamer
One of the first resources that got me into the Law of Attraction was Jack Canfield's book, "The Key to Living the Law of Attraction." He...

Magnetize Miracles
Do you know how to manifest miracles? Do you believe in miracles? In order to increase your magnetic ability to attract miraculous...

Abundant Attitude
If you want to attract more abundance in your life it is important to have an abundant mindset. Are you aligned with scarcity or wealth?...

Divine Energy
Everything has masculine and feminine energy—including you! The best way to be in your optimal healing state is to balance these energies...

Goddess Glow
Do you define yourself by your body, social status, aesthetics or anything other than an eternal, energetic being? Do you love yourself...

The Silver Lining
In any situation there is always a silver lining. There is always an opportunity for growth, expansion, awareness and change when there...

Seductive Solutions
Einstein said "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Is it possible then that we are...

Are you in the flow?
Is it challenging for you to get into, and stay in, a peaceful flow? Do you find that you are often in a state of stress? Do you realize...

Aching with Desire!
Are you aching with desire? Do you embody desire and harness your sexual energy? Well, you should—as a daily practice! So often we think...

Trash is sexy...
Now how could trash be sexy? Of course it's not! However, the act of cleaning up trash is in fact, sexy. Hear me out... Last week I was...
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