"Good Guy Great Game" is an e-book that will teach you about non-verbal communication, the art of seduction, cognitive rewiring and how to build attraction. Are you ready to get your dream girl and explore your superhuman potential?
"Spiritual Foreplay" is an e-book that will help you to heal with sacred practices, the art of play, sensual manifesting, creative date ideas, spirituality and life force energy. Are you ready to heal?

Visionary Media
Dream Bold Network is a team of people that are dedicated to uniting our world through film production, mindset coaching, creative media, dynamic healing practices, artistic expression and bold leadership!
Our passion is exploring the human potential and teaching people how to access our innate superhuman powers. We have a bold vision to impact our collective vibration and manifest a quantum leap. Do you want to join our global energy experiment?
Your contribution helps accelerate
this bold vision. Thank you!
Contact Kate@dreamboldnetwork.com

Featured on

Best Value
Mindset & Energy Mastery
Every month
Activate your innate superpowers!
Valid until canceled
Energy Activations
Full Qi Gong Routines
Guided Meditations
Flow State Routines
Extended Interviews
Mindset Coaching
Bonus Content

Our Bold Network
Our Interviews
Our Projects
Dr. Bruce Lipton ("Heal"/Author/Biologist)
Wim Hof (26 World Record Holder/"Iceman")
Kimberly & Foster Gamble (Thrive Movement)
Shaman Durek (Shamanic Healer/Author/Speaker)
Brandee Sabella (Film Producer/Author/Speaker)
Dr. Dan Siegel (Author/Scientist/Mindsight Institute)
Panache Desai (Author/Thought leader/Speaker)
Thomas Canestraro (World Champion Boxer/Actor)
Tatiana Mityushina (Sports Illustrated Model)
Jon Paul Crimi ("Heal"/Breathwork Expert)
Gerry Powell (Founder of Rythmia/Author)
Donna Eden (Author/Energy healer)
Rassouli (Visionary Artist/Mystic/Author)
Kelly Sullivan Walden (Author/Dream Expert)
Kute Blackson (Author/Visionary/Speaker)
Kelly Kosow (Life Coach/CEO of the Ford Institute)
Rev. Mark Anthony Lord (Author/Spiritual Expert)
Deirdre Hade (Author/"What the Bleep" Movie)
David Meltzer (Co-founder of Sports 1 Marketing)
Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup Series/The Secret)
Marie Diamond (Feng Shui Expert/The Secret)
Brooke Burke (TV Personality/Fitness & Health Expert)
Craig Siegel (CLS Experience/Podcaster/Coach)
Colosseum Athletics (Eco-conscious athletic gear)
Wellspring 88 Studio (Non-profit, holistic healing)
Rafael McMaster (Resin Gallery/Indivisible Arts)
Steve Allen Media (Conscious Public Relations)
Barry Shore (The Joy of Living Podcast/Speaker)
Alison Wroe and Ryan Turner (The True Healers)
Scott Carlin (Former President of HBO)
Natalie Ledwell (Founder of Mind Movies/TV Host)
Dr. Dravon James (HBO "The WIre"/Peace Activist)
Brian Bogert (Performance Coach/Speaker)
Kimberly & Foster Gamble (Producers of Thrive)
Sandra & Daniel Biskind (Authors/Healers)
Frank Garza (CEO of Conscious Selling)
Keep it Real Movie (Coming Soon)
Superhuman Experience Film, Gaia
Brooke Burke Body, Classes & Workshops
Wellspring 88, Non-Profit Collaboration
Colosseum, Athletic Gear, collaboration
Healing Events & Classes, South Bay LA
Soul Fitness LA, Yoga studios for Qi Gong
Enlightened Leaders Summit
Quantum Qi Movie Production
House of Preeminence Magazine
Best of LA Award Video Production
The Joy of Living Podcast, Barry Shore
Conscious Selling Video Production
Global Gathering Commercials
Not Over, Just Different Podcast, Guest
100 Million Academy Podcast, Guest
LA Talk Radio & LA Podcasts, Guest
Unity Radio, Everyday Peace Guest